Monday, November 3, 2014

Post #1

OK, at the grand old age of 46, I finally have a blogging space in/on <never sure which to use> the web.  

I'm setting this up primarily to participate in #EDCMOOC from University of Edinburgh, starting today, where for the next few weeks I'll be exploring the topics of eLearning and Digital Cultures with students from across the globe.

Why #EDCMOOC ????

Firstly there's not much in the way of short-burst CPD out there for someone like me!  My journey with eLearning over the last 15 or more years has been focused mainly on:
  • client needs discovery and commercial relationship management
  • implementation of eLearning infrastructures and content libraries of varying types,
  • helping organisations develop bespoke eLearning content in all sorts of weird and wonderful subject areas.
Secondly, is in response to a recognition that I'm not very digitally connected.  Sure I have a "social" facebook page, rather neglected Twitter account and a LinkedIn profile, but that's were my engagement with social learning has so far ended.

Lastly, and for me crucially, its an opportunity to engage with an education experience that has no dependence on ancient certificates to say that you could do something reasonably well some 30+ years ago  ;)  

Post #2 will introduce me.....